Akita Prefecture's Ultimate Journey - Selected Tourist Attractions

🕓 2023/11/16

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What is Akita?

Akita Prefecture is a charming area located in the northwestern part of Japan's main island, Honshu. Its abundant nature and unique history are highly appealing to international tourists.

Known as Dewa in ancient times, Akita was a key point of interaction between Honshu and Hokkaido. It was also a cultural center in the northeastern region, where Heian culture flourished, and unique cultures were nurtured by the two feudal lords of the Satake clan and the Akita clan.

Akita Prefecture captivates visitors with its beautiful landscapes, including the Shirakami Mountains, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lake Tazawa, and the stunning scenery along the Oga Peninsula. In addition, local cuisine and traditional crafts utilizing local ingredients are also part of the enjoyment of tourism.


Top 3 Selected Tourist Attractions in Akita

1. Kakunodate Historical Village & Aoyagi House

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● Attractions

Located in Kakunodate, Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, the Aoyagi House is a large samurai residence spanning about 3000 tsubo (approximately 9917 square meters). Known for its historic and traditional architecture, the residence's garden changes with the seasons, providing a serene environment for visitors. The property includes several buildings such as the main house and armory, which depict the lifestyle of samurai during the Edo period. Additionally, there are extensive exhibits on Akita's traditions and culture, offering new discoveries with each visit. Facilities like the Kaitai Shinsho Memorial Hall and the Samurai Utensils Museum display historically valuable artifacts.

● History

The Aoyagi House is a samurai residence with a history of over 400 years, dating back to the early Edo period. This residence is an indispensable part of Kakunodate's history, where many samurai lived. Its historical background, along with Japanese traditional culture and aesthetics, has been passed down to the present day. The architectural style and interior decoration of the residence reflect the lifestyle and social structure of the Edo period, providing visitors with a historical experience.

● Access

  • Address: 3 Omotecho Shimochou, Kakunodate, Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, 014-0331
  • Phone: 0187-54-3257
  • Opening Hours: April to October 9:00-17:00, November to March 9:00-16:00
  • Admission Fee: Adults 500 yen, High School/Middle School Students 300 yen, Children 200 yen
  • Access: About a 20-minute walk from Kakunodate Station
  • Google Maps: Aoyagi House in Kakunodate Historical Village
  • More Information: Aoyagi House Official Website


2. Tamagawa Onsen

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● Attractions

Tamagawa Onsen, located in Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, Japan, is renowned for being the most acidic hot spring in Japan. With a pH of 1.05, it boasts the highest discharge rate in Japan at 9,000 liters per minute. The hot spring area includes facilities such as rock baths and open-air baths, offering a relaxing environment in nature. The unique properties and therapeutic effects of the water attract many visitors for extended stays.

● History

Discovered in 1680 by local hunters, Tamagawa Onsen was initially known as "Deer's Bath." It was developed by Seki Jikyuemon in 1929 and renamed to its current name in 1934. Before modern transportation developments, access was mainly by horse. However, after the opening of national roads and bus lines in 1950, accessibility improved significantly.

● Access

  • Address: Tamagawa, Tazawako, Senboku City, Akita Prefecture, Japan
  • Transportation (Public Transport): Approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes by Ugo Kotsu and Akita Kita buses from Tazawako Station on the Akita Shinkansen
  • Summer Access (April 17th to October 17th): Accessible by private cars, taxis, and buses
  • Winter Access (December to April 16th): National Route 341 is closed to general traffic
  • Google Maps: Tamagawa Onsen



3. Lake Tazawa 

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● Attractions

Lake Tazawa, located in Semboku City, Akita Prefecture, Japan, is a nearly circular lake with a circumference of about 20 kilometers. It is famous for its depth of 423.4 meters, making it the deepest lake in Japan. The lake's azure surface creates a mystical atmosphere, offering beautiful scenery that changes with each season. The lakeside is well-equipped with leisure spots, including options for driving, cycling, boat tours, and camping. On January 17, 2022, Lake Tazawa was certified as one of Japan's "Top 100 Moonscapes.

● History

Fishing has been practiced in Lake Tazawa since ancient times. The earliest record of the indigenous Kunimasu fish dates back to 1715, and the lake was used to supply gifts to the Satake clan, the lords of Kubota Domain, and their branch family, the Kakunodate Satake family. In 1940, acidic water from Tamagawa was introduced into the lake for food production and power generation, leading to a change in the lake's pH level and the decline of the fishing industry. Lake Tazawa is associated with the legend of Tatsuko, a beautiful girl who wished for eternal youth and beauty. She drank from a mountain spring, which transformed her into a dragon, making her the ruler of the lake. At the Gozaishi Shrine on the lake's north shore, there is a spring where Tatsuko is said to have drunk the transformative water. Four statues related to the Tatsuko legend can be found around the lake.

● Access

  • Address: Tazawako, Semboku City, Akita Prefecture, Japan
  • From JR Tazawako Station: Take the Ugo Kotsu bus "Lake Tazawa Circulation Line" and get off at the lakeside (about 15 minutes)
  • From Akita Airport: Take the "Akita Airport Liner" and get off near Lake Tazawa (about 100 minutes)
  • Tourist Information Center "Forelake" Contact: 0187-43-2111
  • Google Maps: Lake Tazawa