
🕓 2023/12/22


DALL·E 2023-12-17 14.26.02 - A realistic illustration of a ninja in a dynamic pose on the roof of an ancient Japanese village at night. The ninja is ready to leap, with a katana i



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DALL·E 2023-12-17 14.25.46 - A realistic illustration of a ninja throwing shuriken in a dark village street at night. The ninja is in a dynamic action pose, emphasizing the motion

DALL·E 2023-12-17 14.25.39 - A realistic illustration of a ninja disguised as a farmer, doing agricultural work in an ancient Japanese rural village. The ninja blends in with the


DALL·E 2023-12-17 14.26.34 - A realistic illustration of Iga and Koga ninjas facing each other in an old mountain village in Japan. The scene captures the tension and rivalry betw






DALL·E 2023-12-17 22.12.50 - A historical illustration depicting the origins of ninjutsu, featuring Otomo no Hosohito as an early ninja figure. The image should convey a scene f (1)


DALL·E 2023-12-17 22.08.56 - A historical illustration depicting ninjas during the 1590s, showing their roles in Edo under Tokugawa Ieyasu. The image should include scenes of ninj (1)





  1. 火车剑:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.53.03 - A realistic illustration of the Kasha-ken, a special ninja weapon, which is a cross-shaped shuriken with matchlock rope wrapped around its arms. The f
  2. 链镰:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.52 - A realistic illustration of a ninja using a Kusarigama, a weapon with a weight attached to a chain, in combat. The scene shows the ninja entangling an
  3. 忍镰:

    伪装成农作用镰刀的武器,也可以加上链条,作为链镰使用。DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.38 - A realistic illustration of a ninja in traditional attire, holding a Shinobigama with a chain attached to the end of the sickle. The ninja is standing

  4. 万力链:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.22.03 - A realistic illustration of a Manrikigusari, a traditional Japanese weapon with weights attached to both ends of a chain. The image depicts the weapon
  5. 卷菱:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.33 - A realistic illustration of Makibishi, traditional Japanese caltrops, scattered on the ground. The image should depict the Makibishi as sharp, star-sh
  6. 角指:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.28 - A realistic illustration of a Kakushi, a type of Japanese hidden weapon that is a ring with three spikes. The image should depict the Kakushi being wo
  7. 焙烙火箭:

    类似小型炸弹,使用陶器装填火药制成。。DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.25 - A realistic illustration of a Houroku-bi ya, an ancient Japanese incendiary weapon. It is a round earthenware vessel, similar to a houroku used fo

  8. 手甲钩:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.19 - A realistic illustration of a Tekko-kagi, a Japanese weapon used by ninjas, resembling a bears paw with claws extending from the back of the hand. Th
  9. 苦无:

    铁制的双刃工具,用于攻击、爬墙、挖掘等多用途。DALL·E 2023-12-17 18.52.56 - A realistic illustration of a kunai, a classic ninja tool, in various actions. The image showcases different scenarios of kunai usage, including a nin

  10. 手里剣:


    DALL·E 2023-12-17 21.57.01 - A realistic illustration of a ninja throwing Shuriken, traditional Japanese throwing stars. The image should capture the dynamic action of the ninja i











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