About Owakudani | Detailed history and overview

🕓 2024/1/13

Detailed explanation of the history and overview of Owakudani

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 table of contents

  1. Overview of Owakudani
  2. History of Owakudani
  3. Geography of Owakudani
  4. Owakudani Gourmet
  5. How to enjoy Owakudani
  6. Sightseeing around Owakudani


Owakudani, located in the heart of Hakone and created by the mysterious power of nature, captivates all who visit. This area is known as part of Mt. Hakone, an active volcano, and is rich in nature and history. What makes Owakudani unique is its spectacular scenery created by volcanic activity and its local gourmet food, especially the famous black eggs. Here, the hot spring culture is alive and well, and visitors are welcomed by the natural beauty of each season.

In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the charms of Owakudani, introducing its history, geography, gourmet food, hot spring culture, and tips for enjoying the area. Enjoy our travel guide as we explore the rich nature and culture of Owakudani and its surroundings, making it an unforgettable experience for visitors.



1. Overview of Owakudani


Owakudani is a particularly eye-catching spot among Hakone's rich natural surroundings. Its origins are due to thousands of years of volcanic activity on Mt. Hakone. The rich nature and unique topography created by this activity continues to fascinate visitors. The scent of sulfur that rises from the earth of Owakudani, the hot springs, and the famous "black eggs" baked using geothermal heat symbolize the volcanic power of this area.

This scenic spot is known not only for its beautiful natural scenery, but also for its rich hot spring resources brought about by volcanic activity, and its gourmet cuisine made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Many tourists visit throughout the year, as you can enjoy the scenery of each season. Owakudani shows a different face each season, with fresh greenery in the spring, cool breeze in the summer, red leaves in the fall, and snowy scenery in the winter, leaving unforgettable memories in the minds of visitors.

Additionally, Owakudani offers a spectacular view of Mt. Hakone, and its majestic nature and volcanic topography make it an ideal subject for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers. These multifaceted attractions make Owakudani a popular spot for tourists from Japan and abroad.




2. History of Owakudani


The history of Owakudani is deeply connected to the history of volcanic activity that dates back to its origins. The volcanic activity of Mt. Hakone, which has continued for tens of thousands of years, has shaped the magnificent natural landscape and topography of Owakudani that can be seen today. In particular, a large-scale eruption about 3,000 years ago is thought to have had a major impact on the topography of Owakudani.

Volcanic activity in Owakudani has been frequently recorded in historical documents, and has had an impact on the lives and culture of local people. For example, during the Edo period, sulfur from Owakudani was extracted and used as medicine, and was closely connected to people's lives.

Additionally, the area around Owakudani has long been known as a hot spring area and has been loved by many literary figures and artists. These hot springs spring up from volcanic activity, and the fact that hot magma still exists beneath Owakudani is the source of its rich hot spring resources. The best example of this is the hot springs drawn from Owakudani, and hot springs using geothermal energy are an important element supporting Hakone's hot spring culture.

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Hot spring work involves drawing hot spring water from underground in Owakudani and supplying it to hot spring inns and facilities located far away. Through this work, the geothermal heat of Owakudani has spread throughout Hakone as a hot spring, providing healing to visitors. In addition, although the site where the hot water was drawn still retains traces of past activities, it now welcomes tourists as a new natural landscape. Part of the site has been developed into a walking path and observation spot, allowing visitors to experience both the history and nature of Owakudani.

In modern times, Owakudani has solidified its status as a tourist destination. In particular, access has improved with the Hakone Tozan Railway, which was established in the Taisho era, and roads that were constructed in the early Showa era, and many tourists have come to visit this area.




3. Geography of Owakudani

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Owakudani is located halfway up Mt. Hakone and is part of the caldera formed by volcanic activity from the active volcano. This area is known as a geothermal area where you can see fumaroles spewing volcanic gas and sulfur crystals. The topography of Owakudani is the result of tens of thousands of years of volcanic activity, which has resulted in a variety of topography.

Owakudani's greatest feature is its rich geothermal resources. Magma exists deep underground, and this heat warms water near the surface, creating hot springs and fumaroles. This geothermal energy is also used to make Owakudani's unique "black eggs," giving visitors a sense of the power of nature.

Owakudani also offers spectacular views of Mt. Hakone. On a clear day, a spectacular view with Mt. Fuji in the background spreads out, and its beauty captivates visitors. The area around Owakudani is at a high altitude, so depending on the season you can enjoy various natural beauties such as autumn leaves and snowy scenery.

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Geographically, Owakudani is also important because it contributes greatly to Hakone's hot spring area. The source is water heated by the geothermal heat of Owakudani, providing an abundance of hot springs throughout Hakone. As a result, Hakone has established itself as one of Japan's leading hot spring areas.





4. Owakudani Gourmet

When you visit Owakudani, you can't help but enjoy its unique gourmet food. The region's gastronomy reflects a unique culinary culture born of the rich natural environment and volcanic activity. Among them, ``black eggs'' are Owakudani's most famous specialty.

black egg


These special eggs are boiled in sulfur springs using Owakudani's natural geothermal energy. The black surface is due to chemicals produced when sulfur and iron react with the egg shell. Legend has it that eating it will extend your life by seven years. Black eggs attract many tourists with their unique appearance, high nutritional value, and special flavor that can only be tasted locally.


black monjaman

``Kuro Monjaman'' sold next to ``Restaurant Gokuraku Chaya'' is a must-try item when visiting Owakudani. This Monjaman wrapped in jet black fabric has an outstanding visual impact. When you split the fluffy dough, an authentic orange Monjayaki comes out from inside. The bright Monjayaki that overflows from the jet-black dough and the flavor of the sauce added to it will stimulate your appetite.

Special Owakudani curry

At the ``Owakudani Eki Shokudo'' located on the second floor of Hakone Ropeway Owakudani Station, you can enjoy ``special'' Owakudani curry with a hint of spice. This curry has a unique taste based on Japanese-style soup stock, and has been served using the same recipe since the restaurant opened. When you take a bite, you will immediately feel the extraordinary commitment. Furthermore, the generous amount of ground Hakone Sanroku pork adds a nice texture to the dish. By combining it with the hot spring egg topping, the taste becomes mild and creamy, making it even more delicious.




5. How to enjoy Owakudani

Enjoying Owakudani begins with enjoying its natural charm and experiences unique to the region. A walk in the air using the Hakone Ropeway is a truly spectacular experience that allows you to see the magnificent scenery of the desolate Jigokudani from above. You will be able to experience the realism from the volcanic activity and the acrid smell of sulfur.

Hakone Ropeway

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When you ride the Hakone Ropeway, you can enjoy various views from above Owakudani. It starts with a lush green landscape, and as you approach Owakudani, you can see the desolate mountain surface and white smoke rising. At the end of the trip, Lake Ashi and Mt. Fuji can be seen.


Owakudani Station Restaurant

At Owakudani Station Restaurant, you can enjoy the special Owakudani curry in a place overlooking Owakudani. This restaurant is the only place where you can enjoy a meal while looking out at Owakudani's plumes. You can also enjoy a variety of gourmet foods, including the famous black egg.​​​​


nature research path


The Owakudani Nature Research Trail is a special course that allows you to experience the charm of Owakudani up close. The approximately 700-meter park path is designed to take you close to the volcanic area, and while observing the nature unique to volcanic areas, you can learn more about the history of volcanoes from the explanation boards set up at various locations. ​. In particular, at the hot spring pond in Enmadai, a person called ``Sumikata'' continues to make Owakudani's specialty black eggs every day, and you can observe this process.


Enmei Jizo statue

Along the Owakudani Nature Research Trail is Enmei Jizo, and it is said that Kobo Daishi carved a Jizo Bodhisattva in this hellish place to pray for the salvation of people suffering in hell. Enmei Jizo is a statue of the Enmei Jizo statue, which was created by Kobo Daishi (Kukai) when he visited this area more than 1,000 years ago, and was moved by the desolate scenery of Owakudani, filled with volcanic smoke and hot mud, and the people who were suffering the torments of hell. It is said that a statue of Jizo Bodhisattva was carved in order to pray for the salvation of the people. Nowadays, it is also known as the ``Jizo of child-rearing that prolongs life.''​​




6. Sightseeing around Owakudani

The area around Owakudani is one of Hakone's most popular areas for tourists, and is home to a variety of spots filled with natural beauty and cultural charm. Starting from Owakudani, you can enjoy a walk in the air on the Hakone Ropeway, admire flowers at Hakone Gora Park, and enjoy hot spring amusements at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun.

Pirate ship on Lake Ashi

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Pirate ships that cruise Lake Ashi depart from Moto-Hakone Port, and you can enjoy the spectacular view of Mt. Fuji, Lake Ashi, and the red torii gate. Inside the ship, modeled after an 18th century battleship, you'll feel like you've traveled back in time.

Hakone Gora Park

Hakone Gora Park, Japan's first French-style formal garden, has an open garden with many flowers, and you can enjoy a variety of flowers throughout the year. You can also try making things such as bead accessories, glassblowing, and pottery at Hakone Craft House.

Hakone Kowakien Yunessun

Hakone Kowakien Yunessun, a hot spring amusement spa that you can enjoy in swimsuits, has a wide range of playful hot spring facilities, including large waterslides, pools, and unique ``wine baths'' and ``coffee baths.'' From the day-trip hot spring "Mori-no-Yu", you can relax while admiring the stunning views of the Hakone somma.​​




7. Finally

Sightseeing in Hakone, centered around Owakudani, is a very special experience that allows you to experience the wonders of nature and the richness of culture at the same time. Starting with an overview of Owakudani, its history, geography, famous gourmet food, and ways to enjoy it, this area is packed with a wide variety of attractions.

It is a place where you can deeply experience the beauty of nature and Japanese culture, offering visitors a lot of discovery and relaxation. There is no better place than this region to refresh your mind and body in the midst of nature created by the power of volcanoes.