
🕓 2023/12/28


DALL·E 2023-12-26 09.13.16 - A dynamic image representing modern Kabuki theater, featuring_ 1. Flamboyant Costumes_ Actors in rich, elaborate costumes, showcasing the traditional  (1)



  • 1. 什么是歌舞伎
  • 2. 歌舞伎的历史
  • 3. 歌舞伎の道具
  • 4. 歌舞伎的类型
  • 5. 可体验和感受歌舞伎的地方






1. 什么是歌舞伎

歌舞伎是日本的传统戏剧形式,以丰富的色彩、戏剧性的化妆和壮丽的服装为特色。DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.43.10 - A lifelike depiction of a backstage scene at a Kabuki theater, showing actors in various stages of preparing their makeup and costumes. The image capt


它起源于1603年左右,最初由女性表演,后来成为了仅限男性的戏剧形式。DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.42.54 - A close-up view of a Kabuki actor, emphasizing the distinctive aspects of Kabuki makeup and costume_ 1. Makeup_ Detailed white foundation with bold, a



DALL·E 2023-12-27 21.27.55 - An intense moment in a Kabuki play, capturing the essence of utai (singing), mai (dancing), and waza (acting skill). Actors in ornate costumes a



DALL·E 2023-12-27 21.25.08 - A Kabuki theater stage showcasing innovative stage setups and props, including a rapidly changing backdrop and a revolving stage, which are characteri




2. 歌舞伎的历史


DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.42.32 - A historical image depicting the origins of Kabuki, started by Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto in 1603. The scene shows Okuni, a woman in traditional Japanese



DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.39.47 - Create four additional images depicting the evolution of Sewamono in Kabuki theater during the Meiji era, focusing on the emergence of Sankirimono



DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.42.09 - An image capturing the essence of contemporary Kabuki theater, characterized by_ 1. Vibrant Costumes_ Show actors in colorful and elaborate costumes,



DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.41.45 - An artistic rendering of Kabuki, celebrating its designation as a significant part of Japans Intangible Cultural Properties and its inclusion in UNES




3. 歌舞伎の道具


  1. 旋转舞台 DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.41.26 - A realistic depiction of a Kabuki theater stage featuring a Mawaributai (revolving stage), similar to a turntable in a parking lot. The image should s舞台中央部分呈圆形切割,可以旋转,以在舞台上变换场景和演员。即使舞台在旋转,演员也可以继续表演​。

  2. 升降机(Seri):

    DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.41.29 - An accurate representation of the Seri mechanism in a Kabuki theater, showing a stage with a properly rectangular opening. The image should depict the舞台底板的上下移动机制,用于使演员和大道具出现。分为大Seri、松Seri、竹Seri和梅Seri四种,每种都有不同的效果。

  3. 花道DALL·E 2023-12-27 15.22.13 - A realistic representation of a Kabuki theater stage with the hanamichi (flower path). The hanamichi is a raised walkway extending from the stage into (1)从舞台下方通向观众席的通道,用于主要角色的登场和退场。根据剧目,它也可以作为表现河流、海洋或天空等场景的地方​。

  4. 黑帷幕和舞台地板:DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.41.11 - A scene from a Kabuki theater stage with a focus on the extreme left side (shimote). There should be a black sudare (bamboo or reed blind) clearly vis位于舞台左侧的黑帷幕用于音乐和音效的演出。另一侧的舞台地板上演奏義太夫節,伴随着美丽的三味线为舞台增色​。

  5. 旋转变换机构:

    DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.41.02 - Create an image that demonstrates the Gandou-gaeshi stage mechanism in a Kabuki theater, where a large, front section of the stage floor is hinged to 舞台装置的一部分倒下,展现下一个场景的背景。它将整个道具翻转90度,顺利过渡到下一个场景并给观众带来惊喜。




4. 歌舞伎的类型


  1. 时代物:DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.40.49 - An image that captures the atmosphere of Jidaimono (period piece) in Kabuki theater. The scene should be set in an era prior to the Edo period, such

    • 以江户时代之前的时代为背景,如室町、镰仓、平安时代等。以武家社会为主题,出现历史上的英雄,如曾我兄弟和源义经。虽然涉及历史事件和人物,但为了避免法律限制,常常更改真实名称。

  2. 世话物:DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.40.31 - A realistic scene depicting Sewamono in Kabuki theater, which portrays the life and customs of the townspeople in the Edo period, akin to modern dr

    • 描绘江户时代市民社会和风俗的“现代剧”。出现各种阶层的人物,如木匠、鱼贩、侠客和游女、长屋居民等。基于引起公众关注的真实事件,并根据观众需求进行表演。。



DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.40.11 - Create an image depicting the evolution of Sewamono in Kabuki theater during the Meiji era, with the emergence of Sankirimono that incorporated ne


相反,世话物在明治时代引入了新风俗的“散切物”。此外,戏剧文学家的出现,使得被称为“新歌舞伎”的作品群得以确立。DALL·E 2023-12-27 08.42.22 - A composite image illustrating the evolution of Kabuki theater through the Edo period_ 1. Womens Kabuki (Onna Kabuki)_ Show a scene with female perfo




5. 可体验和感受歌舞伎的地方




  • 1889年开幕的传统歌舞伎专用剧院。
  • 不仅上演歌舞伎,还有各种其他表演。
  • 经历地震和战争,当前建筑是第五代。
  • 地址:东京都中央区银座4-12-15
  • 官方网站:www.kabuki-za.co.jp



171026_seats (1)

  • 1925年开幕,位于东京新桥的演舞场。不仅上演歌舞伎,还有超级歌舞伎和音乐会等。
  • 地址:东京都中央区银座6-18-2
  • 官方网站:www.shochiku.co.jp



  • 上演歌舞伎、园艺、音乐会、喜剧表演的公会堂。
  • 每年年底和1月举办新春浅草歌舞伎。
  • 地址:东京都台东区1-38-6
  • 官方网站:asakusa-koukaidou.net